Saturday, January 31, 2009

Saturday Practice

Quick warmup and partner stretching followed by lots of nage komi, newaza and randori.

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Friday, January 30, 2009

Thursday Practice

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Here I go?

I signed up for this a while back ago, but I haven't contributed anything here it goes!

Congratulations to Andrea and Lucas on their recent promotions.

You know, I really don't have anything to contribute other than that for now. . .

Oh yeah, good luck to Mina and Daniel who will be competing in their first BJJ tournament this weekend so we won't be at pratice this Saturday (maybe if we get out of there early enough, we'll see). But either way. . .Good luck to the first combined Team Sac/Cap City BJJ competitors!!!

Hey, this isn't sooo bad and it's pretty easy.

All you members, family members and friends...please accept the invitation and participate.


February Scedule

To All,

I will begin to give a monthly schedule to everyone this month. This is intended to keep everyone involved with all team activities. I encourage all members, perents, and friends of Team Sacramento to join the blog so that you can keep up with all the news and notes involving the team.

February will be a very busy month. We will be co-hosting a clinic on February 7 at Capitol City BJJ from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM. This will be a great event with a true information exchange with some great instructors from all over including Cassio Werneck. The event is also a multi cultural pot luck, so please plan to stay and eat and bring a dish if you are able.

February 15 will be our annual trip to the San Jose Buddhist Tournament. This is always the number one tournament of the year and sometimes is more competitive than states or nationals in some categories.

February 22 we will be attending the very first Makimoto judo tournament in Vacaville. We wish to support this event as much as possible so competitors should be ready to go two weeks in a row.

The rest of the schedule will be as normal with practices Monday to Thursday and Saturdays. No Saturday practice on the 14 and 21 because of tournaments and no practice on the 7 because of the clinic.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thursday January 29 Practice

15 students at last nights workout. We worked three Tai otoshi combinations/variations. Bella, Ellis, and Mina showed great improvement throughout the evening. We ended class with some spirited randori. Good job!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Another fun practice: 17 judoka. Light warmup and a bunch of work on 2-on-1 tai otoshi. Kyle led a great warmup.

Mina, Kyle, Michael, Hawk, Bella and LJ had outstanding technique.

Everybody worked hard during randori. Pickles (Kayla) was fearless in her first randori session and had a great teacher in Mina.

Jonel is on crutches and still managed to teach.

Reminder: bring a water bottle next practice.

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Monday, January 26, 2009

Monday Practice

29 judoka tonight... hard warmup, lots of nage komi (tai otoshi), and plenty of randori.

Congratulations to Lukas and Andrea on their promotion to yellow belt.

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Saturday, January 24, 2009

Saturday Practice

20 judoka today. Great workout: hard warmup, newaza, nage komi (tai otoshi) and lots of randori. Matt Ontiveros gave some great instruction on half nelson, Nick T's and Ryan's seoinage was looking sharp, and Mina was super strong on the mat (BJJ with Cap City is paying big dividends)

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Friday, January 23, 2009

Fun practice Thursday night. There were 16 students and 8 of them were new and worked on the 18 hour program. The rest of the class worked Tai Otoshi followed by spirited randori and ne waza. Look forward to seeing everyone at Saturday practice.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Wednesday Practice

20 judoka tonight... Light warmup, nage komi, randori and several turnovers taught by Kayjohn Sensei. Great work everybody!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Monday & Tuesday Practice

30 judoka Monday, 18 Tuesday - great workouts on both days. Lots of work on tai otoshi and plenty of randori. New students: Abel, Elijah, and Josiah. Still waiting for Joe T to put his gi back on :-)

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Monday, January 19, 2009


Special thanks to everyone that helped to move mats. Including Tauasa, Daniel, Allen, Tony, Anthony, Ed, Steven, Ron, Pete & Molly. You are all up for promotion!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Saturday Practice

35 judoka showed up for a very fun practice: tough warm up, more work on sasae, and lots of randori and newaza.

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Friday, January 16, 2009

Good pactice Thursday night with 13 judoka. Allen Johnson did a great job teaching his version of sasae. Remember that we are moving mats on Saturday and any help would be appreciated, you know that Tauasa is getting old and has trouble lifting stuff.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Tuesday & Wednesday Practice

Great practices on Tuesday and Wednesday!

Tuesday: 13 judoka
Wednesday: 28 judoka

A great warmup, lots of nage komi (lead-step-throwing and review of sasae), randori and newaza.

Congratulations to Nick Ontiveros on his selection to the California Honor Band (and for dislocating two of Tauasa's toes during randori :-)

Next Practice: Saturday at UTC in Roseville. We will be moving two large mats from Folsom to Capital City BJJ after practice on Saturday; seniors and/or parents that can help load and/or unload the mats at either location please contact Brent or Tauasa (or just show up to practice).

Monday, January 12, 2009

Monday Practice

Excellent practice tonight: 28 judoka. Great warmup with lots of nage komi and randori. Next practice: Tuesday at Capital City BJJ.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Saturday Practice

Small but fun class. 12 judoka and lots of uchi komi, nage komi, randori and newaza. And Steven looked great in his new gi!

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Friday, January 9, 2009

See everyone on Saturday for the first three hour workout of 2009!
Great practice last night in Sacramento! We had 16 judoka and that included 5 new students. We worked hard on foot sweeps and will continue into next week. Joseph, Anthony, and Mina are the new push up champions of the world.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Saturday Visit to Grass Valley Judo Club

We will be visiting Grass Valley Judo Club for their grand opening tomorrow afternoon (January 3). Team members interested in attending should contact Sensei Brent or Tauasa.