Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Tentative Tournament Schedule Remainder 2011

Here is a list of tournaments that Team Sacramento is planning on attending to end 2011:

Sunday October 9- Capital Open (Sacramento)

Sunday November 13- Palo Alto Invitational (Palo Alto)

Sunday December 4- CCSF Invitational Tournament (San Francisco)

September 2011 Schedule

September schedule has a few days off to start the month and ends with a camp that will be hosted by O Sensei Butler in Folsom on September 30 and October 1. October 1 will also be a promotion ceremony to welcome Jonel Luz and Kyle Roberts to the rank of Shodan (first degree black belt). Starting the month the team will not have practice on Saturday September 3 and Monday September 5 in observance of the Labor Day holiday weekend. The final day of the month and the first day of October will be O Sensei Camp in Folsom. This will be a very exciting event and O Sensei is looking forward to demonstrating some new training methods and pushing the students to new levels. This camp is open to Senior students and Junior students Yellow Belt or higher in rank only. Also welcome to the camp will be any BJJ students that wish to get some new training methods and learn more stand up. If you wish to attend camp and do not meet the criteria please see Goodall Sensei to ask permission. More details will follow regarding specifics of the camp. Finally we will be having two well deserved promotions to Shodan on October 1 for Jonel Luz and Kyle Roberts. It will be a fun time and we expect all students to be there to celebrate this accomplishment with Jonel and Kyle. The rest of the month will be back to work for the upcoming tournament season that will start on October 9 in Sacramento.


Saturday August 20 Promotions

Congratulations to the following students who were promoted on Saturday August 20, 2011 at Folsom MMA. Gavin Davis-Smith Yellow Belt, Andrea Estrada Orange Belt, and Lukas Kavanaugh Orange Belt. All of these students deserve congratulations for their hard work and will now continue the process of becoming future leaders.


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Exciting News

Team Sacramento there is exciting news. Mr. Butler the founder of our school will be teaching a camp for colored belts and senior students on Friday September 30 and Saturday October 1. It will be a great event and it will end with a promotion ceremony honoring Jonel Luz and Kyle Roberts with their Shodan. Please mark your calendars to be at this event. It will be special.


Sauturday August 13 Promotions

Congratulations to Malaya Elgarico (Yellow), Ellis Shaw (Green), and Syria Rhodes (ikkyu) for your well deserved promotions on Saturday August 13 at Folsom MMA. BE LEADERS!


Monday, August 1, 2011

August Schedule

Team Sacramento August schedule will be business as usual. With no events planned at this time there will be a regular practice schedule. August will be a time to heal and work on technique. Look forward to seeing everyone throughout the month.