Tuesday, August 24, 2010

2010 World Masters Championships

Team Sacramento had four of our coaches competing in the 2010 World Masters Championships in Montreal Canada from August 17 to 22. Competing in the tournament were Kay-John Kavanaugh M4 -66 Kilos, Pedro Teixeira M3 -81 Kilos, Tauasa Timoteo M2 -100 Kilos, and Brent Goodall M3 -66 Kilos. All of the competitors faced tough competition from all over the world including Austria, Hungary, Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Germany, among others. Everyone should be congratulated for training hard to prepare for the competition. Team Sacramento is one of the few judo clubs that has actively competitive coaches and all of the students will benefit from this great experience.
Special congratulations to Tauasa Timoteo (pictured) for his silver medal in the tournament.

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