Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Wishes

Best Christmas wishes to all of the friends, supporters, volunteers, coaches, parents, and students of Team Sacramento!
Goodall Sensei

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Team Sacramento Success at Final Tournament of 2010

Team Sacramento had a great tournament to end 2010 on Sunday December 5, at CCSF. We had 20 competitors competing in 22 divisions. Of the 22 divisions we captured 19 medals with 10 golds, 5 silvers, and 4 bronze. This equates to a place ratio of 86%! Great job team. Special congratulations to first time competitors Frank Wynn Wilkerson, Desmyn Williams, and Gavin Smith all of whom placed. Overall the team won 57 matches losing 24 with 53 wins coming by ippon! Here is a complete list of results:

Curtis Booth- Gold
Ashley Booth- Gold
Curtis Booth- Silver
Ashley Booth- Bronze
Noah Harris- Fourth Place
Deven Phillips- Gold
Jordan Greenfelder- Bronze
Frank Wynn Wilkerson- Gold
Syria Rhodes- Gold
Gavin Smith- Gold
Jonel Luz- Silver
Marlina Luz- Gold
LJ Cudal- Gold
Daniel Luz- DNP
Ximena Alegria- Silver
Desmyn Williams- Bronze
Albert Williams- Gold
Ryan Elgarico- Silver
Malaya Elgarico- Gold
Lukas Kavanaugh- DNP
Matthew Ontiveros- Bronze
Nicolas Ontiveros- Gold
Congratulations to all!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

December Schedule

The December schedule details are as follows. We will have the last tournament of 2010 on Sunday December 5, which means that there is no practice on Saturday December 4. We will also have our annual Christmas Party and Awards Ceremony on Friday December 10. If you plan to come to this event and have not received your evite please let Goodall Sensei or Joanne know as soon as possible. As always this event is a fun evening for all and formal dress is required. Shirt and tie for the gentlemen and dresses for the ladies. On Saturday December 11 we will have the annual Junior Christmas Workout and Pot Luck. If you plan to come to this event please sign up to bring a dish for the pot luck with Joanne as soon as possible. This event is a fun workout that focuses on the junior students. There will be no practice on Saturday December 25 in observance of Christmas and Saturday January 1 in observance of New Years Day. All other practices are under the normal schedule.

Anthony Aguirre

Team Sacramento warming up

Ryan & Noah

Antione Gibson

Daniel & Masa Swain

Mina @ Palo Alto

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thankgiving

Thanksgiving Message

To all of the supporters, parents, coaches, and students the happiest Thanksgiving wishes from me to all of you. I am thankful for every day I get to be a part of all of your lives, and each and everyone of you is special to the school and most importantly to me.

Goodall Sensei

Monday, November 15, 2010

Reminder Christmas Party and Junior Workout/Pot Luck

Reminder we are having our annual Christmas party and Award Ceremony on December 10, 2010. If you have not RSVP'd through evite please do so ASAP. If you have not received your evite please contact Joanne so she may forward it to you. This is a very special occasion and we always have a great time while we share our experiences of the great things that have happened in the last year.
We will also be having our annual junior workout on December 11 at 2:00 PM at Folsom MMA. This is a fun event centered around the junior students and will end with a pot luck lunch. Please plan on being there for this event and contact Joanne to see what you can bring for the pot luck.

Next Tournament December 5 at CCSF

Reminder that the next tournament will be held at San Francisco City College on December 5, 2010. We will not be attending another tournament until February 2011 so make every effort to make it to CCSF before we take a holiday break from tournaments.

Entry Form Note

Note to all competitors: Tournaments are requiring instructor signature for entry forms now. To avoid unnecessary waiting for an instructor to arrive at the tournament please make sure that you have forms signed before you arrive at the tournament. Otherwise you will have to wait until an instructor arrives before being able to register.

Palo Alto Invitational Results

Team Sacramento competed in the Palo Alto Invitational on Sunday November 14. The team had an amazing day sending 13 competitors and gaining 11 medals. Among the 11 medals were a total of 10 golds! Overall competitors won 75% of their matches winning 30 and losing 10. Every student demonstrated excellent technique and it is great to see the improvement continue from tournament to tournament. It is going to be a very exciting season. Here is a list of competitors and results:
Syria Rhodes-Gold
Marlina Luz-Gold
Curtis Booth-Gold
Ashley Booth-Gold
Nicolas Ontiveros-Gold
CJ Byrd-Gold
Villi Hopoi-Gold
Ryan Elgarico-Gold
Malaya Elgarico-Gold
Albert Williams-Gold
Daniel Luz-Silver
Matthew Ontiveros-DNP
Jordan Greenfelder-DNP
Excellent work competitors and we will have one more tournament on December 5, at CCSF before taking a holiday break from tournaments until February. I look forward to seeing all competitors at CCSF!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Katie Davis Promotion

Katie Davis was promoted to Ikyu on November 4, in Sacramento. Katie has been with Team Sacramento since 2003 and has earned her rank with competitive achievements and dedication. The coaching staff is pleased that Katie will now be one step away from her black belt and we look forward to getting her to that level in the coming months.

Blind World Championship Team Trials Results

Michael & Katie Davis competed in the Blind World Championship Team Trials in Aurora, Colorado on Saturday, October 30. This event was the qualifier for the 2011 Blind World Championships to be held in Turkey. Both Michael and Katie have a goal of making the 2012 Paralympic Games in London in 2012 and this is the next to last step in qualifying to make the team for London. Michael competed in the 73 kilo division placing second and missing a spot on the

the 2011 world team. Katie was able to place first in the +70 kilo division which qualifies her for her second World Team and puts her one step close to London in 2012. Congratulations to both Michael and Katie you are an inspiration to your coaches and to your fellow students.


Monday, November 1, 2010

Congratulations to Villi Hopoi and CJ Byrd for their promotion to yellow belt. Villi & CJ have worked hard in practice and excelled in tournaments to earn their promotions. As with all students who earn promotion we expect to see both Villi and CJ continue their training with a focus on attention to technical detail, good character, leadership with new students, and KONJO spirit. Great job both of you!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

November Schedule

I wanted to give everyone the planned schedule for November. Practice schedule will be normal with the following exceptions for holidays and for tournament weekend. There will be no practice Saturday November 13 as we break for the Palo Alto Tournament, and there will be no practice on Thursday November 25 in observance of the Thanksgiving holiday. All other practices will be conducted (including Saturday November 27, I have to get that turkey and pie weight off somehow). I hope to see many participants at the tournament and good attendance throughout the month.
I will also be handing out the annual homework assignment to all students on the week of November 22. This short assignment is important to the team and to individual development. All students will participate.

Teixiera & Kavanagh Sensei Recovering

I wanted to let everyone know that last week Kavanaugh Sensei had surgery on his eye and his recovery has gone great as he is already back and practicing with the team. Teixeira Sensei had extensive knew surgery yesterday. The surgery went well and he is trying to rest comfortably even though he is in some pain. His recovery is supposed to last several weeks but as we know Teixeira Sensei will probably be back on the mat by November! Please give thoughts and prayers to both as they recover from their injuries.

The Return Of Johnson Sensei

Last week we were visited by Allen Johnson who is back with us until January when he will leave with his unit to be deployed in Iraq. Johnosn Sensei has been doing specialized army training for his year long assignment overseas and we are fortunate to have him back for the next few months. We welcome him back and will be sad when he leaves again, most importantly we will wait patiently for his safe return.


Monday, October 25, 2010

Saturday November 20, 2010 Promotions

Congratulations go out to JW Greenfelder (yellow) and Syria Rhodes (nikyu) for their promotions on Saturday October 23 in Folsom, CA. Both students have demonstrated character, technique, spirit and leadership and are deserving of their new rank. As all students know with rank comes responsibility and leadership, I expect to see continued growth from both JW and Syria in that regard. More promotions are to come!


November 2010 Tournament

Correction for the date of the November tournament in Palo Alto. The tournament is on Sunday November 14, 2010. Sorry for the confusion.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Upcoming November Tournament

Team Sacramento will be attending the Palo Alto Judo Invitational in Palo Alto, CA on November 13, 2010. Competitors please save this date and plan on attending this tournament. If you would like tournament entry forms and information please see Goodall Sensei.


Monday, October 4, 2010

Capital Open Results

Team Sacramento started the season off with a bang at the 2010 Capital Open in Elk Grove, CA on October 3. The team took 27 players to the tournament and placed 22 (81%). All total the team came away with 52 wins of which 49 were by ipon. There is still a lot of work to do to prepare for Nationals and States in 2011 but over all competitors showed good technique, spirit, and sportsmanship. We need to make sure that all competitors attend as many practices as possible (including Saturdays) in order to improve throughout the upcoming season. There were eight students who were first time competitors and of the eight six placed. Here are the individual results, with first time competitors noted by an asterisk:
Jonel Luz- Bronze
Syria Rhodes- Bronze
Daniel Luz- Gold
Antoine Gibson- Gold
Spencer Rhodes- DNP
Mina Luz- Silver
Lukas Kavanaugh- Silver
Molly Bides- Bronze
LJ Cudal- Bronze
CJ Byrd- DNP
JW Greenfelder- Silver
*Albert Williams- DNP
Matt Ontiveros- Bronze
Nick Ontiveros- Gold
*Malaya Elgarico- Gold
*Ryan Elgarico- Gold
*Anthony Aguirre- Gold
*Noah Harris- DNP
Villi Hopoi- Silver
Katie Davis- Bronze
*Jessica Siebert- Gold
Austin Ward- Silver
Curtis Booth- DNP
Ashley Booth- Bronze
*Derek Ojeda- Silver
Dave Henson- Silver
*Tony Baquera- Gold
Congratulations to all competitors as always Team Sacramento showed everyone our fighting spirit.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Capital Open New Venue

This year the Capital Open will not be held at CRC as it has been the last few years, the new location for the Capital Open is:
Sacramento Asian Sports Foundation
9040 High Tech Court
Elk Grove, CA 95758
Please make sure to go to the proper location and not CRC out of habit. Also after the tournament we will be having a team get together at Laguna Pizza in Elk Grove near the tournament site. Please come and join us for some good food, times, and of course your fellow judoka.

October Schedule

October 2010 will kick off the Team Sacramento 10/11 judo season. It begins this Sunday October 3, with the Capital Open in Sacramento, CA. This means that as always there will be no practice on Saturday October 2. The rest of the month of October will continue with normal practice schedule of Roseville Monday/Wednesday 7:00 to 7:30 PM, Sacramento Tuesday/Thursday 7:30 to 9:00 PM, and Folsom 12:00 to 2:30 PM. The new season is finally here, I am looking forward to watching all of the competitors improvement over the summer.


Friday, September 17, 2010

2010 Pan Am Games Results

Katie and Michael Davis participated in the visually impaired division at the Pan Am Games on August 28 and 29 in Florida. Michael got a bronze medal in the -73 kilo division. Michael also participated in the open division. Katie received an uncontested gold medal in the +70 kilo division, and a silver in the open division. Team Sacramento is proud of all of our competitors and would like to give special recognition to Katie and Michael for their continued effort and dedication to participate in tournaments that require great efforts for them to enter.

Monday, August 30, 2010

2010 Pan Am Games

Team Sacramento will be sending Michael and Katie Davis to Florida to compete in the Pan Am Games this coming weekend September 3-5. Michael will be competing in the -73 Kilo Visually Impaired Division and Katie will be competing in the Open Visually Impaired Division. As everyone knows Michael and Katie face many challenges with their training and travel to competitions and we should all make sure to give them positive thoughts for a safe journey and an excellent competition. Best wishes to both of you!


September 2010 Schedule

September will be an exciting month for Team Sacramento competitors. This is the last month of preparation for the 2010/2011 tournament season. September will be dedicated to getting everyone ready for the upcoming season and to teach the beginners rules, etiquette, and general strategy and techniques to compete for the first time. If you are a student that wants to compete this will be an important month of training for you and you should come to as many practices as possible. It is especially important to try to attend Saturday practices as that is where we get much of our tournament prep work done. We will also be having some fun during September as we have our yearly team get together scheduled for September 10 at Strikes in Rocklin. Please ask Goodall Sensei for information regarding attending this event. Let's work hard to make 2010/2011 season one to remember.


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

2010 World Masters Championships

Team Sacramento had four of our coaches competing in the 2010 World Masters Championships in Montreal Canada from August 17 to 22. Competing in the tournament were Kay-John Kavanaugh M4 -66 Kilos, Pedro Teixeira M3 -81 Kilos, Tauasa Timoteo M2 -100 Kilos, and Brent Goodall M3 -66 Kilos. All of the competitors faced tough competition from all over the world including Austria, Hungary, Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Germany, among others. Everyone should be congratulated for training hard to prepare for the competition. Team Sacramento is one of the few judo clubs that has actively competitive coaches and all of the students will benefit from this great experience.
Special congratulations to Tauasa Timoteo (pictured) for his silver medal in the tournament.

Thursday, August 19, 2010


Hello Team

During the coaches meeting at the Junior Olympics, a speaker from Oklahoma University gave a lecture about the benefits of milk regarding both Pre and Post exercise and or workouts. I thought this was interesting:

He passed out a brochure on how milk provides the fuel athletes need to be active and the fluids, nutrients and protein to help refuel after exercise, and here are some of the clips I took from the brochure itself:

Research shows there's a two-hour recovery window when the real work begins- refueling, building, and repairing muscles. That takes protein, and lowfat chocolate milk is a natural source of high quality protein. Plus, it's packed with essential nutrients not typically found in other sports drinks including calcium and vitamin D, which can help prevent stress fractures and broken bones.

The studies has focused on the following areas:

  • Chocolate milk's role in helping athletes refuel muscles after a workout.
  • Regular and chocolate milk's impact on reducing exercise-induced muscle damage and building muscle after exercise.
  • How milk compares to other drinks for hydration after exercise, and its ability to replenish needed electrolytes and fluids.

For more information on this article please go to the link below

when you are in the website, scroll down to the coaches corner and the same brochure and pamphlets I have are visible to where you can read more about chocolate milk and regular milk for athletes.....


World Masters in Montreal, Canada

As most of you all know, Team Sacramento Judo sent 4 of their coaches to Montreal, Canada to compete at the World Masters. Goodall Sensei, Timoteo Sensei, Teixeira Sensei, and Kavanaugh Sensei left yesterday to represent Team Sacramento Judo.
First day results: Timoteo Sensei went 3-1 and placed second. Goodall Sensei, Teixeira Sensei, and Kavanaugh Sensei successfully made weight. Kavanaugh Sensei will be competing tomorrow in Shiai and Ne-Waza. Goodall Sensei and Teixeira Sensei will be competing on Saturday in both Shiai and Ne-Waza.

Let us send thoughts, prayers, and wish them good hunting!


Sunday, August 8, 2010

2010 Team Gathering

The 2010 Team Sacramento Gathering will take place on Friday September 10, at 6:00 PM at Strikes in Rocklin. Please join us for three hours of bowling and pizza as we say goodbye to the 09/10 season and welcome the 10/11 season. Cost for this event is $15 per person and all checks should be made out to Team Sacramento. Everyone that plans to attend should try to pay as soon as possible so that we can get the proper head count. For sign up information see Joanne or Goodall Sensei. Please wear your Team Sacramento attire.

Save The Date Christmas Party 2010

This years Christmas party and awards ceremony will be on Friday December 10, at Happy Gardens restaurant in Sacramento. This is a VERY special event and I hope that everyone can attend the festivities.
Goodall Sensei

Surprise Visit From O Sensei

Team Sacramento was privileged to have a surprise visit from O Sensei this past Saturday in Folsom. As always O Sensei offered words of encouragement and wisdom to both students and coaches. He also made a very special presentation of the second quarter O Sensei Scholarship Award to Marlina Luz for her overall excellence in judo, leadership, citizenship, academics, and spirit. Congratulations to Mina! Above all thanks to O Sensei for his efforts in continuing this scholarship award and for his continued support of all of our team members and staff.

August Schedule

Practice will resume as usual this month with the exception of Wednesday August 18 practice in Roseville being cancelled do to instructional staff attendance at the World Masters Championships in Montreal Canada. All students who have been on summer break should be ready to get to work in September as we prepare for the new season starting in October. September will be a critical month in the preparation for all students that plan to attend a tournament for the first time or students that are beginners in the upcoming season.


Thursday, August 5, 2010

Team Sacramento Window Stickers Now Available

Team Sacramento window stickers are now available. They are $10 each and an excellent way to market the team. See Brent if you would like to purchase one for yourself or as a gift!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Junior Olympic Results

Team Sacramento sent three competitors competing in four divisions to the Junior Olympics in Atlanta, Georgia on July 17 & 18. Representing the team were Daniel Luz, Marlina Luz, and Syria Rhodes competing in two divisions. All competitors showed the character that Team Sacramento is known for. Also competing in the BJJ tournament were Daniel (silver medal) and Marlina (gold medal). Judo results for competition:

Marlina Luz- Gold medal (Junior Olympic Champion & USJF/USJA Junior National Champion)

Daniel Luz- Fourth Place

Syria Rhodes- Bronze Medal
Bronze Medal (IJF Division)

Congratulations to all of you and thank you to all of the parents that made it possible to compete in this tournament. Special thank you to all team members for their dedication to the success of all of our competitors. Without our team our competitors would not be able to accomplish their goals.


Thursday, July 22, 2010

Kokoro Tatsu Judo Club workout in Atlanta, GA

Syria, Daniel, and Marlina had a fun workout with The Kokoro Tatsu Judo Club in Atlanta, GA. We miss the rest of the judoka's, but they are meeting new friends and building memories here in the South. FYI we missed out on Kevin Asano who was here about 1 month ago, and Sensei Alphabet and O'Sensei are friends. Tomorrow will be the start of Junior Olympics with registration and weigh ins. Saturday, with Syria competing in juvenile B, and Daniel competing in Juvenile A & in Jiu Jitsu with gi. Mina will be competing in Jiu Jitsu gi and no gi. Sunday, Mina will be competing in Intermediate 1, and Syria in the IJF Division.

See you all next week...

Friday, July 9, 2010

USJF/USJA Junior Nationals

The Luz Family would like to congratulate all the competitors which competed at Nationals. All of the competitors showed the true spirit of "KONJO" and as well as their family. We are proud to be a part of a team which shows the true meaning of "OHANA".
Keep up the great work Team Sacramento Judo!!!!

attached is a couple pictures that was taken from Tracy at Okubo.....

Thursday, July 8, 2010

USJF/USJA Junior National Results

Team Sacramento had tremendous success this past weekend at the USJF/USJA Junior Nationals in Irvine California. Congratulations to all of the competitors for not only their results but their dedication throughout the season and leading up to the event. The hard work put in by the athletes showed, as all competitors exhibited excellent technical judo, outstanding physical conditioning, and the KONJO fighting spirit! WE DID GREAT JUDO! Great judo is what we strive for and with great judo comes great results as we posted a record of 28 wins and 10 losses with 27 wins by ipon! A special congratulations to Marlina Luz as she was honored with a special award for Best Technique. Here are the individual results for the competitors:

Curtis Booth- Gold 2010 National Champion
Ashley Booth- Gold 2010 National Champion
Marlina Luz- Gold 2010 National Champion
Daniel Luz- Gold 2010 National Champion
Molly Bides- Gold 2010 Novice National Champion
Austin Ward- Silver Novice
Syria Rhodes- Silve IJF
CJ Byrd- Bronze Novice
Ellis Shaw- DNP
Matt Ontiveros- 5th Place

I would also like to personally commend Syria Rhodes for demonstrating composure and honor in the face of extremely unfair and unfortunate circumstances. Syria was the victim of several circumstances beyond her control that resulted in her not placing in one of her divisions. I will only say that as a KONJO judoka she unlike her opponent showed true character in the face of adversity. If Syria never wins another match in her life I will still be proud of her for her character and class this past weekend. She represented your team in a way that all of us can learn from, by overcoming unfair obstacles and achieving great success the next day in the more prestigious IJF competition. Thank you Syria for showing the entire team that character is more important than unearned medals. I expect all of our athletes to always demonstrate character, leadership, sportsmanship, and above all to do what is right.

Goodall Sensei

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

New Addition to Team Sacramento

I would like to inform everyone that yesterday Coach Ron Lobley had his first child!


Levi weighed in at a healthy 8 lbs. 12 oz! I see a future +100 kilo judoka in our future! Congratulations to Ron & Jenna on their wonderful new addition. We are all very happy for you both!

July Schedule

The schedule for July includes two special events and one clinic. Team Sacramento will be attending USJF/USJA Junior Nationals in Irvine California July 3 & 4. We will also have a small team at the Junior Olympics in Atlanta Georgia July 24 & 25. Mr. Ikemoto will be conducting a take down clinic in Rocklin on July 24. The rest of the month will consist of the normal practice schedule.


Team Sacramento Junior National Team set to travel to Southern Cal

Team Sacramento is sending a 10 member team to the USJF/USJA Junior Nationals in Irvine California on July 3 & 4. The team has worked hard all year to compete and succeed this weekend and all of the team members are responsible for helping everyone to prepare. The coaching staff is very thankful to have not only great competitors but great teammates. Here is a the team that will be representing us:

Curtis Booth
Ashley Booth
Syria Rhodes
Daniel Luz
Marlina Luz
Ellis Shaw
Matt Ontiveros
Molly Bides (novice)
Austin Ward (novice)
CJ Byrd (novice)


Friday, June 25, 2010

Final Daiheigen Workout

All junior students are encouraged to attend the final Daiheigen Junior National Team workout this Saturday June 26 at Okubo from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM. Even if you are not attending the nationals you can attend and train with some of the best judoka from all over the yudanshakai.


Daniel Luz & Austin Ward Promotions

On the evening of June 24 in Sacramento California 29 students were there to witness the promotions of Daniel Luz (Purple) and Austin Ward (Yellow) as they continue to improve their judo. As always we appreciate the technique, perseverance, and leadership that our students exhibit and Daniel and Austin are great examples to all current and future students of Team Sacramento. Well deserved congratulations to both of you from all of the coaching staff.


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Junior National Daiheigen Workouts

Team Sacramento junior students are invited to attend the Daiheigen junior national workouts located at Okubo on June 19 and 26. Okubo is located at 5212 Lemon Hill Road Sacramento, CA, and the workouts are from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM. All students are welcome! If you are not attending the nationals in Irvine you can still come to the workouts to experience new partners as well as meet some of your fellow Daiheigen judoka. Team Sacramento Saturday practices will continue in Folsom from 12:00 to 2:30 PM if you cannot make the Daiheigen workouts. I would really like all of our juniors to take advantage of this excellent opportunity to meet new people and share the team concept with your fellow Daiheigen members. If you would like more information please contact Goodall Sensei.


Team Sacramento 2010 California State Championship Results

Team Sacramento competed in the 2010 California State Championships on May 29 and 30 in San Francisco, California. The team was represented by 25 competitors competing in 26 divisions placing in 15. The team earned four gold medals, six silver medals, and five bronze medals. Everyone showed tremendous spirit and effort giving everything that they could to compete hard. Here are the results from the tournament:

Jordan Greenfelder- Gold
Marlina Luz- Gold
Ashley Booth- Gold
Brent Goodall- Gold (Masters)
Pedro Tiexiera- Silver (Masters)
Syria Rhodes- Silver (IJF)
Katie Davis- Silver (VI)
Andrea Estrada- Silver
Molly Bides- Silver
Curtis Booth- Silver
Syria Rhodes- Bronze
Lukas Kavanaugh- Bronze
Charles Byrd- Bronze
Daniel Luz- Bronze
Austin Ward- Bronze
Kay-John Kavanaugh- DNP (Masters)
Stephen Cudal- DNP
Eric Hardison- DNP
Kyle Roberts- DNP (Black Belt)
Michael Davis- DNP
Wesley Leong- Withdrawal Due To Injury
Ellis Show- DNP
Julian Estrada- DNP
Villi Hopoi- DNP
Nick Ontiveros- DNP
LJ Cudal- DNP

Tony Ontiveros Promotion

Special congratulations to Tony Ontiveros on his promotion to blue belt. Tony and his family have been a fixture in the Roseville location since its inception in 2007. Tony has been been a tremendous contributor to the team both on and off the mat. We thank him for all that he does for the team booster club and for his presence in practice assisting new students and demonstrating KONJO every time he puts on his judogi.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Promotion for Julian and Ashley

Congratulations to Julian Estrada yellow belt and Ashley Booth orange belt on their promotions. Both students have worked hard and improved tremendously over the past six months to earn their new ranks. We look forward to continued excellence from the both of you and expect you to set an example for the newer students. Great Job!

Pot Luck Fun

Everyone had a great time at the Team Sacramento Pot Luck on Saturday May 15! It was good to share great food with everyone after a tough workout. Thanks to everyone that participated and brought such great food. Also special congratulations to Ron Lobley and Folsom MMA as they celebrate the one year anniversary of the new gym.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Curtis & Ashley with Mike & Jimmy Pedro

Curtis & Ashley with Jason Morris

Ashley Booth 2010 Jason Morris Cup

Ashley Booth competed in the ninth annual Jason Morris Cup on May 8, 2010, in Burnt Hills, New York. Ashley placed second in the girls 7-8 27 kilo division. Congratulations to Ashley on your success and the great experience that you had on the east coast!


Curtis Booth 2010 Jason Morris Cup

Curtis Booth competed in the ninth annual Jason Morris Cup on May 8, 2010 in Burnt Hills, New York. Curtis placed first in the boys 11-12 32 kilo division and also placed second in the boys 11-12 37 kilo division. Congratulations to Curtis on your success and the great experience that you had on the east coast!


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Pot Luck Saturday May 15

Team Sacramento is hosting a Pot Luck on Saturday May 15 at 2:30 PM. The Pot Luck will be at Folsom MMA and will be an informal event. Please bring any dish that you would like and be ready to share the spirit of judo and ohana with all of the Team Sac family.


Friday, May 7, 2010

Team Sacramento promoted Wesley Leong to Blue Belt in Sacramento on May 6. Wes has been with Team Sacramento for about a year and has improved his throwing skills tremendously in that time. Great job Wes and congratulations from all the Team Sacramento coaches and members.

2010 National Championships

Congratulations to Michael and Katie Davis for their success at the United States National Judo Championships in Myrtle Beach South Carolina. Competing in the visually impaired category Katie and Micheal both won silver medals securing a place on the United States team for the Pan American Games in September in Orlando, FL. Katie gave up over 100 lbs. to her opponent in the 70+ kilo division and was able to win her second match to force a third where she was not able to win but came away with a her silver medal. Michael made the finals in the 73 kilo division and was ahead by wazari before he was caught on his back and pinned to get his silver medal. Congratulations to both of them and we are very proud of all the work that they do and how well they represent Team Sacramento.


Friday, April 30, 2010

May 2010 Schedule

The May schedule will be full of the normal practice schedule leading up to our California State Championships from May 28 to May 30 at San Francisco City College. Everyone that plans on competing in the State tournament needs to make every effort to attend all practices for the month of May. Training for this event should be high priority for all competitors and this tournament along with Junior Nationals in July will help coaches determine promotions and future lesson plans for the team. All team members should be ready to train hard whether you will be competing or not, everyone needs to train to make themselves better as well as help push all of our competitors to exceed and obtain their goals.


Wednesday, April 28, 2010

CCSF Tournament Results

Team Sacramento took a small team to the CCSF Tournament on April 24 with great success. A total of seven competitors fought in eight divisions with all placing. A total of five gold medals, two silver medals, and one bronze medal were the final team results. Here are the individual results:

Ashley Booth- Bronze
Curtis Booth- Gold
Austin Ward- Gold
Marlina Luz- Gold
Danile Luz- Silver (purple belt division)
Syria Rhodes- Silver (brown belt division)
Wesley Leong- Gold & Gold (white & brown belt division)

Congratulations to all competitors.


Bay Isle Tournament

Team Sacramento sent a team of 17 competitors competing in 19 divisions to the Bay Isle Tournament in Alameda on April 18. We had 14 medals total with a combined win loss record of 54 wins and 23 losses. Here are the individual results:

Molly Bides- Gold
Curtis Booth- Gold & Silver (higher weight division)
Julian Estrada- Gold
Eric Hardison- Gold
Daniel Luz- Gold
Andrea Estrada- DNP
Ellis Shaw- Bronze
Kyle Roberts- Silver (black belt division)
Jordan Greenfelder- DNP
Stephen Cudal- DNP
Austin Ward- Gold
CJ Byrd- Silver
Villi Hopoi- DNP
Ashley Booth- Bronze & Silver (higher weight division)
Syria Rhodes- Gold
Wes Leong- DNP (brown belt division)
Marlina Luz- Gold

Congratulations to everyone and now we will look forward to our training for California State Championships in May.


Friday, April 2, 2010

Katie Davis Brings Home Silver

Katie Davis competed in the Visually Impaired World Championships this past weekend in Antalya, Turkey bringing home the silver medal in the 78 kg division, becoming only the third American female to win a medal at VIWC event. Katie won her first two matches (AZE & ESP)before losing in the finals against (RUS). Katie also competed in the +70 kg division placing seventh. We are all extremely proud of Katie as she keeps working on qualifying for the London Paralympic games. Congratulations Katie and to the entire team that helped Katie prepare!


Team Sacramento Shines in Cupertino Tournament

Team Sacramento had one of the best tournaments in our history this past Sunday March 28 in Cupertino California. We sent 14 players to the tournament competing in 15 divisions. Every player had at least a 50% winning percentage and brought home a medal. As a team we had 40 wins to 12 losses with 34 wins by way of ippon! It was a great day and here are the individual results:

Marlina Luz- Gold
Daniel Luz- Silver
LJ Cudal- Gold
Stephen Cudal- Bronze
Andrea Estrada- Silver
Syria Rhodes- Gold
Julian Estrada- Gold
Ashley Booth- Gold
Curtis Booth- Gold
Curtis Booth (Division Heavier)- Gold
Austin Ward- Bronze
Kyle Roberts (Black Belt)- Bronze
Ellis Shaw- Gold
Matt Ontiveros- Bronze
Nick Ontiveros- Silver


April Schedule

April schedule will be modified due to mandatory coaching certification this coming weekend. All of the coaches are required to attend coaching certification this Saturday April 3 from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM, because of this certification we will not be able to have our regularly scheduled Saturday workout. The rest of this months schedule will be unaltered. We will be attending the Bay Isle Tournament on Sunday April 18 in Alameda California. As always there will be no practice the Saturday before the tournament on April 17. Please ask the coaching staff if you have any questions and we apologize that there is no practice this Saturday.

Goodall Sensei

Friday, March 5, 2010

March Schedule

I just wanted to update everyone on the March schedule. There have been some changes to the calendar since it first came out at the end of 2009. Most of those changes have been in the month of March so please adjust your schedule accordingly. The following events take place for the month of March:

March 15- UTC Annual Sensei Birthday Workout 7:00 to 8:30 PM

March 21- White & Brown Belt Nationals CCSF

March 28- Cupertino Invitational Lynbrook H.S.

Birthday workout will be the best of the year and only the strong will survive! I hope to take a large team of competitors to Cupertino so let's get to work to prepare.


Congratulations Michael

Congratulations to Michael Davis who received his Shodan in a ceremony on February 27 at Folsom MMA. We are all very inspired by what Michael has accomplished but as was stated at the ceremony the Shodan rank is the beginning of the journey not the end and I expect to see Michael continuing to lead by example to help show us the way. I hope to see many of the students at the ceremony one day follow Michael's example and receive their Shodan.


Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Black Belt Ceremony This Saturday at 12:00 PM

Reminder that we are having a special ceremony to welcome Michael Davis to the rank of Shodan and welcome him to the special group of KONJO black belts. Please be at the ceremony on time with WHITE JUDOGI ONLY. All brown and black belts need to be there by 11:15 AM. Mr. Butler will also be performing a special ceremony for the club at this time and wants to have all members there to share in this moment. He is also catering a lunch after the workout and hopes that everyone can join us in the spirit of ohana to celebrate what will certainly be a memorable day.


Vacaville Tournament Results

Team Sacramento had a successful tournament in Vacaville this past Sunday February 21. We brought 17 competitors to the tournament and placed 14 in 18 divisions. Special congratulations to Molly Bides, Eric, and Austen for competing in their first tournament and bringing home medals. Most impressive performance for Stephen Cudal as he did the best judo he has done in years tying for second place in wins but missing out on a medal because of points. Great judo for everyone.

Syria Rhodes-Gold Medal
LJ Cudal-Gold Medal
Curtis Booth- Gold Medal & Bronze Medal
Ellis Shaw-DNP
Ashley Booth-Gold Medal
Molly Bides-Bronze Medal
Katie Davis-Silver Medal
Stephen Cudal-DNP
Daniel Luz-Gold Medal
Julian Estrada-DNP
Lukas Kavanaugh-Bronze Medal
Andrea Estrada-Gold Medal
Devan Phillips-DNP
Eric- Gold Medal
Kyle Roberts-Gold Medal
Austen-Silver Medal
Marlina Luz-Gold Medal

Congratulations to all!


Friday, February 19, 2010

Black Belt Ceremony Michael Davis Reminder

Reminder black belt ceremony for Michael Davis will be held Saturday February 27, 12:00 PM at Folsom MMA. Please join us to celebrate Michael's accomplishment. All current and former Team Sacramento members are encouraged to come. White judogi mandatory. Folsom MMA is located at 316 Natoma Street, Folsom CA. 95630.


San Jose Buddhist Tournament Results

Team Sacramento participated in the San Jose Buddhist Sensei Memorial this past Sunday February 14. We had 22 competitors with 14 of them placing. We fought hard and showed spirit. We placed sixth out of over 50 teams. Special congratulations to first time competitors J.W. Greenfelder and Devan Phillips. Individual results:

J.W. Greenfelder-Gold Medal
Devan Phillips-Fourth Place
Ellis Shaw-Fourth Place
Michael Davis-Fourth Place
Curtis Booth-Gold Medal
Wesley Leong-Gold Medal
Stephan Cudal-Fourth Place
Villi Hopoi-Silver Medal
Ashley Booth-Gold Medal
Matthew Ontiveros-Silver Medal
Lukas Kavanaugh-Silver Medal
Marlina Luz-Silver Medal
Katie Davis-Gold Medal
Nick Ontiveros- DNP
Andrea Estrada-DNP
Syria Rhodes-Bronze Medal
LJ Cudal-Fourth Place
Jonel Luz-DNP
Reiko Manninang-Silver Medal
Daniel Luz-Gold Medal
Anton Manninang-Silver Medal
Julian Estrada-Gold Medal

Congratulations to all competitors! Let's keep it going this weekend in Vacaville.


Birthday Workout

This is the final notification to be ready for the Birthday workout on Monday March 15, 7:00 PM at Ultimate Training Center. We are going to see who has KONJO!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Black Belt Ceremony Michael Davis

On Saturday February 27 we will welcome Michael Davis to the Konjo black belt family with a special ceremony by O Sensei David Butler. I strongly encourage everyone to attend this event to celebrate the perseverance that Michael has shown in achieving this difficult goal. This is a mandatory event for team members and all alumni are encouraged to come and be a part of this special day. White judogi only please for tradition and pictures.


Tuesday, February 2, 2010

February Schedule

February will be a big month for Team Sacramento. We will compete in two different tournaments this month on Sunday the 14 at the San Jose Buddhist tournament and the following weekend on Sunday the 21 at the Makimoto tournament in Vacaville. As always there will be no Saturday practices the day before these two tournaments. There will be a satellite weigh in for the San Jose Buddhist tournament at Okubo on Thursday February 11 from 6:00 to 9:00 PM. There may also be a special workout at Okubo for all players interested that evening, details to follow. The team should have many new competitors competing for the first time as well as experienced players starting out their 2010 season.

We have tentatively planned a black belt ceremony for Michael Davis on Saturday February 27. O Sensei Butler will be there to lead the ceremony and welcome Michael to the black belt ranks of Team Sacramento. More details to follow.


Friday, January 22, 2010

Sensei Birthday Workout

Sensei Birthday Workout in less than two months. You have been warned!


Thursday, January 21, 2010

Satellite Weigh In San Jose Buddhist Tournament

There will be a satellite weigh in for all non black belt competitors that wish to compete at the San Jose Buddhist Tournament. The weigh in will be at Okubo Judo Club located at 5212 Lemon Hill Ave, Sacramento, CA 95824. It will Thursday February 11 at 6:00 PM. If you have any questions please ask the coaching staff.