Friday, March 27, 2009

April Schedule

It is that time everyone, yes the judo season has reached crunch time. April through July will be very important months for Team Sacramento competitors and students. April will begin with the White and Brown Belt Nationals in San Francisco on April 5. I expect us to send a strong team including but not limited to Kyle, Marcos, Dave, Syria, and Rich. All of the competitors who plan to attend this tournament need to speak to me regarding the details. Team Sacramento will also be attending the Bay Isle Tournament in Alameda on April 26. This will be our final tune up for California State Championships at the end of May. All competitors and parents that are interested in competing at the State Championships need to talk with me regarding the details. We will be booking rooms and need to know how many we will need so please contact me regarding participation. There is also a tournament on April 19 in Santa Clara, this will not be a full team tournament but all competitors who wish to compete are encouraged to do so. This is the time of year that we begin to show how hard we have worked for the past several months, I expect all of our students to bring the intensity at practice to a new level. KONJO!

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